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Featured profiles from Bromley


57 - Bromley, London, England

I enjoy many activities ; theatre , museums , pub gigs etc. I m creative and make stained glass ornaments, and...


68 - Bromley, London, England

Thoughtful, kind, loyal, intelligent man with love of classical music and choir-singing, countryside walking,...


70 - Bromley, London, England

Nice guy, (oh that sugary term...... nice), easy to chat with, quick to see the funny side in life. Enjoys the...


64 - Bromley, London, England

I like good conversation, eating out or in, cinema, theatre, exhibitions, ballet, live entertainment. I’m quite...


53 - Bromley, London, England

I'm often described as fun, wise, sensible and good all round person. I enjoy other people's company, music,...


60 - Bromley, London, England

I am a laugh, good company and get on well with people. I treat people how I like to be treated.

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I cannot tell you how grateful I am! Thank you times a million.
Elizabeth, 17 May 2024
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Claire, 23 July 2024
Yes, it has helped me lots. Thank you very much.
Tommaso, 26 February 2024