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Featured profiles from Southampton


80 - Southampton, Hampshire, England

Quite shy, very caring not good in crowds. Close to my 2 children, enjoy being with friends and eating out and in/


65 - Southampton, Hampshire, England

Hi, I'm seeking to share time with someone special. I'm Honest, genuine, caring, loyal, respectful, tactile with...


70 - Southampton, Hampshire, England

Tall Southampton male, 70, reasonable-looking, retired, solvent, car/home, divorced, would like to meet local...


53 - Southampton, Hampshire, England

Intelligent, fit , friendly person who enjoys reading, resistance training, music and good conversation. Not a...


63 - Southampton, Hampshire, England

I have retired from a stressful full time career in medical sales and now work part time as a Funeral Arranger....


56 - Southampton, Hampshire, England

Life is too short to and all those cliches! Enjoy life, grab opportunities with friends and family. I am at the...

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LocalLoves is a safe and respectable online dating website, chosen and vetted by us, for people like you. Free to join, it's the perfect place to find like-minded singles in your area for romance, relationships and friendship. Get started today - simply create your personal profile, view your most compatible matches, browse profiles in your area and see who likes you.

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Thanks for being so helpful. I'll use you again in the future
Pam, 21 July 2024
Thank you so much. Very helpful and I have amended some of my parameters and used the slider!
Gabrielle, 27 June 2024
Excellent. Crystal clear and very quick. Thank you!
Graham, 01 August 2024