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Featured profiles from Plymouth


55 - Plymouth, Devon, England

Sea swimmer, veg grower and appreciator of all life on, below and above the land seeks great conversationalist...


63 - Plymouth, Devon, England

Reliable, honest and genuine. I also have an easy going laid back nature, but if I have something that needs...


69 - Plymouth, Devon, England

i think people would say that i laugh a lot. i like to make people happy. im very caring and have time for...


71 - Plymouth, Devon, England

For the main part my life has been blessed, two children (very grown up!), some near lifelong friends, quite a...


60 - Plymouth, Devon, England

Kind caring easy going looking for someone to share lovely times together starting has friends but who knows...


60 - Plymouth, Devon, England

I have been single now for 5 years and I would like to find someone to spend the rest of my life with. I am...

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LocalLoves is a safe and respectable online dating website, chosen and vetted by us, for people like you. Free to join, it's the perfect place to find like-minded singles in your area for romance, relationships and friendship. Get started today - simply create your personal profile, view your most compatible matches, browse profiles in your area and see who likes you.

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Thank you for always replying to my emails and giving explanations to my questions along with useful suggestions.
Sean, 19 July 2024
I appreciate the effort and information you have provided, thanks
Phillip, 08 March 2024
This is a very professional dating site, and enjoyable to use, with some nice people to meet and talk with. Thanks. A good experience!
Nige, 30 May 2024